Wednesday, February 21, 2007

From the Triodion

Elijah, glorified by fasting, ascended in the divine chariot of his virtues; he was carried to the heights of heaven in glory. Strive as he did, my humble soul: fast and throw off all evil, malice, envy and corrupting luxury, so that you may be delivered from the eternal pain of death and cry out to Christ: O Lord, glory to You!

From the Stichera on Lord, to You I call
Vespers of Thursday (Wednesday Evening)

While fasting with the body, brethren, let us also fast in spirit. Let us loosen every bond of iniquity. Let us undo the knots of every contract made by violence. Let us tear up all unjust agreements. Let us give bread to the hungry and welcome to our homes the poor who have no roof to cover them, that we may receive great mercy from Christ our God.

Aposticha, Vespers of Thursday

The First Week of Lent

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