Sunday, March 18, 2007

From the Triodion

O faithful, let us make great efforts at fasting, so that we may attain great glory, delivered from the flames of Hades by the mercy of our great God and King.

Now that the time of fasting is half ended, let us clearly manifest in ourselves the beginnings of the divine life of glory, and let us hasten eagerly toward our journey's end, the life of holiness, that we may receive the joy that never grows old.

From O Lord, to You I Call, Vespers, Monday, Fifth Week of Lent

The Savior who planted the vineyard and hired the workers is now at hand. Come, all you who have tried to keep the Fast, and let us enjoy our reward, for the Giver is rich and full of compassion. Though we have done so little we shall receive his mercy for our souls.

Adam fell among thieving thoughts: his mind was robbed, his spirit wounded, and he lay naked with none to help. The priest, who came before the Law, did not help him; nor did the Levite, who came after the Law, even look at him. You alone have helped him, O God, who came not from Samaria, but from the Theotokos: glory to You!

From the Aposticha, Vespers, Monday, Fifth Week of Lent

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